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Thank you for choosing us! The admission process is simple and managed by Wiltshire Local Authority. Please contact the School Admissions Team at Wiltshire Council on 01225 713010. Application forms can be obtained online via the LA website (click here to visit the relevant page). They can also be accessed through the links below. When you have the relevant form, simply fill out any requested details and return it to the address supplied within or even better do it online through the Parent Portal.
While every effort is made to make a place available for your child in our school, there is a limit on the number we can take. Each year group is in a mixed class with a maximum intake of 17 children for each year group. This figure is set by the LA and agreed with Palladian Academy Trust, Governors and Executive Headteacher. If the number of children wanting a place is below this figure, all will be admitted. If there are too many children applying for that year group, the admissions policy is followed which details the admissions criteria. This is as follows (in descending order):
- ‘Vulnerable Children’ (which includes ‘Looked After Children’), children from families registered with the National Asylum Support Service, and children with a severe medical condition.
- In-area siblings (including step, half, and foster siblings) where an older sibling is on roll at Westwood already and not in their final year at this school. They must also live within the designated area at the same address as the older sibling.
- Other in-area children – those children who live within the designated area but do not have siblings attending the school.
- Children who live outside the school’s designated area but have an older sibling at the school that resides at the same address.
- Any other child for whom none of the above criteria apply.
If the LA is unable to offer your child a place at Westwood with Iford after considering your case carefully, you have the right to appeal. Information on how to do so is given on the LA website. Click here to read it.
Alternatively, click on this link to read a copy of theLocal Authority Admission Arrangements for Community Schools and Voluntary Controlled Schools
We are consulting on the proposed admission arrangements for the academic year 2025-26.
Changes have been made to the oversubscription criteria to bring it in line with the Admissions Code 2021 and this is the first consultation since Westwood with Iford has converted to an academy and become its own admissions authority.
The consultation period is to last for 6 weeks from 30th November 2023 to 11th January 2024.
If you would like to make any comments on the proposed admission arrangements, please contact wwi-office@palladianacademytrust.com
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